

We harvest our ORGANIC PURE HONEY from our own local bees. They gather the pollen within our approx 6 acres natural  and ORGANIC treated paradise from different flowers, shrubs and blooming trees such as Mangotree, Limetree, Lemontree, Orangetree and others.

Our honey is not treated, not heated up and contains NO additives. It’s therefore pure organic honey and uncomparable with most of the available honey-products in the supermarkets. We always leave enough honey for our bees and collection is completely manually and only if they really have excess honey.

If you buy this wonderful and tasty product you support «proudly Kenyan products» and our local villagers. It proofs that even locally handmade products can compete in prices if sales-chain is short.

Storage: Honey can be stored even over years, but we recommend to store it nicely tight closed and in dark areas.